I take pride in my Bulldog mentality.
I learned at an early age that you have to work hard to live.
I learned that I was not like anyone else and that I did not fit in with most people.
Quiet as I seem, there have been times in my life where I have shocked or surprised those around me by navigation of the seas of poop like a sailor on his first ship.
I am chaos, I love Chaos, I was raised in it and try to keep myself away from it as much as possible due to its addicting personality.
Everywhere I have worked it has given me and edge, it has made me stand out.
Most people only work 25% where I work 110% , when I have a goal only one thing can stop me..........Me.
Evilchavo OUt.
Eggs from Plants
2 weeks ago
I love this..
I feel like i can relate...
I was rasied in a family of chaos. I lost so many loved ones i tryed hard to keep myself away.
I had to work at the age of 14
two jobs to the things i wanted for myself my mother worked to put food on the table. My father was hurt and permently disabled.
By the way thank you for the comment. my camer is a Canon Rebel XTi.
Thanks for the comment.
I sometimes write about what is on my mind at the time and did not really think that anyone would read it (It was just a hard day of work)
I have had to pretty much raise myself since young due to family chaos and the need for change.
I have always been a hard worker, I take pride in it....Where others fail I suceed...I like my wingtips their pricey so , gotta work for nice things...
I don't have a Canon (nice camera) but I do what I can with what I have.
Once again , Thank you for the comments.
It is really deep and more that expected and very appreciated.
Evilchavo Out.
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