Monday, August 18, 2008

Roots, Where my heart grew from

I was looking at some the videos that I have on the bottom of this page that show the different kinds of music that I have been influenced by in my life and found one of my favorite songs.

When I was younger and coming from a really poor family my dad would always play this song over and over again(when he was down) or mom would play it on Saturday morning while she cleaned the house.

I heard it again today while working on this blog and I wanted to post the lyrics along with a translation. This is where I come from, This is part of the root of the root.

Gerardo Reyes : Sin Fortuna (Without Fortune)

Yo naci sin fortuna y sin nada (I was born without fortune or anything)
desafiando al destino de frente (defying my destiny)
hasta el mas infeliz me humillaba (I was humiliated by the most miserable)
ignorandome toda la gente (Ignored by everybody)
mas de pronto mi suerte ha cambiado (but my luck has changed very rapidly)
y de pronto me vi entre la gente. (all of a sudden I am among people)

Y esa gente al fingirse dichosa (an those people fake their happiness)
frente a un mundo vulgar y embustero (in front of a vulgar and lying world)
gente hipocrita, ruin, vanidosa (hypocrite people, ruined people,vain people)
que de nada le sirve el dinero (that is no good regardless of money)
que se muere lo mismo que el pobre (that dies just like a poor person)
y su tumba es el mismo agujero (and their tomb is the same hole)

Ahora voy por distintos caminos (Now I have a different path)
voy siguiendo tan solo al destino (I chase my own fortune)
y entre pobres me siento dichoso!! (and amongst the poor I am happy)
si es amando doy mi amor entero (If I love , I love entirely)
con los pobres me quito el sombrero (amongst the poor I take off my hat)Respect
y desprecio hasta el mas poderoso (and I snub the most powerfull)

Soy cabal y sincero les digo (I am honest and I can sincerely tell you)
he labrado mi propio destino (I have made my own destiny)
yo le tiendo la mano al amigo (I extend my hand to a friend)
pero al rico jamas me le humillo!!! (but to a rich person I will never bow)

Talking part:
(Yo nunca tuve el calor de un beso! (I never had the heat of a kiss)
mis pobres viejos trabajaban tanto (My poor parents worked so much)
que nunca tuvieron tiempo para eso (that they never had time for that)
y asi creci! (and that is how I grew up)
sin ignorar el llanto (without ignoring the crying (pain))
no fui a la escuela (I did not go to school)
yo aprendi de grande (I learned when grown up)
las letras no entran cuando se tiene hambre (Words don't go in when you are hungry)
y no hay quien te de la mano si eres pobre! (their is no one to help when your poor)
por eso vuelvo a este pueblo viejo (Thats why I come back to this old town)
donde la vida me trato tan mal! (Where life has treated me bad)
y esta es mi raza (This is my Raza)
que por nada dejo! (That I will leave for nothing)
aunque volviera yo a sufrir igual!!!) (even if I was to suffer less)

Soy cabal y sincero les digo (I am honest and I can sincerely tell you)
he labrado mi propio destino (I have made my own destiny)
yo le tiendo la mano al amigo (I extend my hand to a friend)
pero al rico jamas me le humillo!!! (but to a rich person I will never bow)

There is No shame in being from where I am from and proud to come from parents that worked so hard to make me who I am today.

I appreciate the sacrifices that they made for me when they were young ,I can survive in this jungle we call life because of them.

Evilchavo out.

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